Antena 3 CNN Romania The best student in the world in astronomy and astrophysics is Romanian

The best student in the world in astronomy and astrophysics is Romanian

The best student in the world in astronomy and astrophysics is Romanian
12 Sep 2015   •   13:51

Denis Turcu attended ‘‘Nicolae Bălcescu” college from Brăila during middle school. He went to the International IT high school in Bucharest in the ninth grade. The private school granted him a full scholarship, reports.

In three years he has won numerous awards in competitions in which he took part, but the most important was his performance at the International Olympiad of Astronomy and Astrophysics.

Denis was the only Romanian student who attended last summer a course in 'Numbers Theory' at the Stanford University summer school , the costs being borne up to 90% by the university, although it usually covers only 50 percent.

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