Antena 3 CNN Politics Corlăţean: The visit to Romania of the Ukrainian Foreign Minister has been postponed. We will sign the small traffic agreement

Corlăţean: The visit to Romania of the Ukrainian Foreign Minister has been postponed. We will sign the small traffic agreement

Corlăţean: The visit to Romania of the Ukrainian Foreign Minister has been postponed. We will sign the small traffic agreement
28 Aug 2014   •   10:30
The Ukrainian Foreign Minister has postponed his visit to Bucharest, due to dramatic developments in Ukraine, but a new visit has been scheduled on which occasion a local border traffic agreement is to be signed, the Romanian Foreign Minister, Titus Corlatean said.

"The announced presence of the Ukrainian Foreign Minister, with whom I have had a direct phone conversation Sunday, has been postponed given the dramatic developments in Ukraine and the talks held in Minsk about the next steps," said the head of Romanian diplomacy at the Annual Meeting of the Romanian Diplomacy (RADR).

The Romanian Foreign Minister has also said that another date has been set for the visit, an opportunity for the Agreement on local border traffic to be signed.

"This is a very important agreement for the free movement, for the European destiny of Ukraine and for the Ukrainian citizens, including ethnic Romanians who live along the border with Romania," said Corlatean.

The agreement regulates the conditions of the local border traffic, namely frequent crossing of the Romanian-Ukrainian state border by border area residents of Romania or Ukraine who intend to stay in the border area of the other State, in particular for social, cultural, familial reasons or economic grounds, for a period not exceeding three months of uninterrupted stay.

The Agreement applies to all inhabitants of an area of ​​30 km located on either side of the common border, but this could be extended to the area within 50 km of the border line for administrative units which extend beyond the limit of 30 miles.

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