Antena 3 CNN Politics Dan Voiculescu’s project applied by the Government

Dan Voiculescu’s project applied by the Government

Dan Voiculescu’s project applied by the Government
31 Aug 2015   •   17:40

Professor Dan Voiculescu has been pleading for years with clear arguments for specific economic measures which the government is only now beginning to apply. That's the case with the non-taxation of reinvested profits and the VAT reduction on basic foods, topics which Voiculescu was the first to address. Many measures are now supported by other politicians, including the Prime Minister.

Dan Voiculescu initiated in Parliament, in 2008-2010 five important legislative measures. These are projects he had spoken publicly about the years before and which he continued supporting.

These are the non-taxation of reinvested profits, VAT reduction on basic food, state imposed penalties for delays in VAT reimbursement, VAT compensation between state and economic agents and the non-taxation of microenterprises in the first three years of their operation.
In a post on his blog, Professor Voiculescu states that for years he has explained why it is important to reduce VAT on basic foodstuffs. The measure was implemented only in 2015, but proved to be beneficial for the economy. Although there was reluctance in applying it, Prime Minister Victor Ponta always mentions the success the VAT reduction on basic food had.

Dan Voiculescu has advocated since 2007 for the non-taxation of reinvested profits as a tax incentive. The measure was taken in 2014. Many of its projects are supported by other experienced politicians now.

Călin Popescu Tăriceanu says that one of the important measures for which the Tax Code should be adopted urgently in the exact same form it is now, in addition to VAT, is that of the dividend reinvestment incentive. A measure Dan Voiculescu was the first to propose.

Even if it took years, it is quite a breakthrough that they have been implemented, Professor Dan Vociulescu wrote on his blog.

Subiecte în articol: Dan Voiculescu
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