Antena 3 CNN Romania Meeting Point. Criminal Profile - Mircea Băsescu

Meeting Point. Criminal Profile - Mircea Băsescu

Meeting Point. Criminal Profile - Mircea Băsescu
30 Iun 2014   •   16:36
The desperate attempt  by the President of Romania Traian Basescu to hide away and cover up  his brother Mircea Basescu operations is faced with a series of striking evidence.  

Pretending to be the promoter of Justice and anticorruption, Traian Basescu and his institutions (The National Anticorruption Directorate and the Intelligence services, that he use to referred to as the wretched system)  have looked the other way  on all the public signals and evidence invoked in the journalistic investigations regarding Mircea Basescu.  

There have been 10 years  since the president’s brother has been engaged in a series of business deals and suspicious relationships. The President of  Romania  cannot even for a second claim that he was not aware of this. Significant disclosures made by the media, documents from the prosecutors and wiretaps made during  the criminal cases investigated  indicated without a doubt that Mircea Basescu was an acquaintance of  many controverted people, an individual involved in many fishy business deals and a beneficiary  of black money circulated by all kinds of friends and acquaintances of his.  

In 2006, the National Anticorruption Directorate revealed in an explosive document that a  good friend of  Mircea Basescu, Agigea Customs chief Iulian Teseleanu collected  black money from various Arab businessmen who were running import-export operations in Romania. 

Central and local press reported that Teseleanu was protected during the investigation, although there were  documents and wiretaps proving  the  serious involvement  of the friend  of the Romanian president's brother in criminal  actions. 

Therefore, DNA knew since  8 years ago about the  mob in Constanta and South Agigea. Port and Customs. They  even have video and audio evidence that Iulian Teseleanu, intimate friend of Mircea Basescu, was a mobster. And he  collected  money in customs, taking  bribes from Arabs smugglers. Names in clear, phone numbers  connections are provided in full. Everything. 

For eight years, this file is covered  up. Teseleanu is protected by Basescu's name. Some arrests were made only in 2011, but obviously Basescu’s  family friend is safe and sound. 

What happened to fat bribes of millions of euros and dollars, Mircea Basescu's aides took, the one arrested now  for bribery and influence peddling  over the judiciary? 

After all this explosive story, what did you think Mircea Basescu did? He spent a very expensive holiday in the U.S., with Iulian Teseleanu blasting away   $ 100,000! 

Here is  the reporting in  Constanta media:  

" Mircea şi Doiniţa Băsescu spent their  winter holidays (2009-2010) at the other end of the world, in the United States, being  among the few people who can boast that they have started the new year in a helicopter over the Grand Canyon. The Romanian President’s brother  has been  in the U.S. for almost a month, from December 10th until January 4th, the Basescu family  being accompanied by Constanta Customs chief, Iulian Teşeleanu and his wife. " 

After this serious scandal that bore no consequence for Basescu’sfamily or friends, in 2009 there occurs a new  explosive story: the Romanian president's brother is involved  in weapons trafficking. 

The same combination of Mircea Basescu with  dubious people in  dubious stories for which  other people would have been long investigated and even arrested. But the system protection fully worked.  

Even Traian Basescu acknowledged in August 2009 that he knew about the entourage and dubious business  of Mircea Basescu saying: "" If my brother gets involved in another such dubious  company, I might as well not run anymore (...)However, you  can defend yourself  from enemies, but it is very hard to defend yourself from your own brother. " 

After the scandal with the customs, port and arms trafficking, Mircea Basescu is involved in a family  relationship with another interlope Bercea Mondial. 

After he sees the President of Romania dancing and parthying, then getting a gold coin from the underworld, Mircea Basescu is encouraged to receive "a pile of money", ie 250,000 euros from his family to intervene on behalf of  Bercea Mondial so that the clan leader should  receive a lesser sentence, or even be released from prison.

Antena 3 broadcast the footage taken by Mircea Basescu’s friend when he admitted to having received money and committed influence peddling. He says repeatedly in the videos recognized by judges and prosecutors as evidence: 

"Traian knows. You think he does not know?"  

 No matter how many excuses and diversions Traian Basescu would launch, one thing is clear. The political, moral and legal responsibility is common to Basescu siblings, Traian and Mircea. For 10 years, the  Romanian population has been informed about  Mircea Basescu’s criminal activities. 

The  prisoner’s brother, the President of Romania, who knows everything about  the files and wiretaps of all his opponents cannot be credible when he says  he did not know what Mircea was doing. 

Traian Basescu's resignation, requested by the Parliament and by millions of  Romanians is just a matter of minimum decency and responsibility. Criminal liability is inevitable after December 21, the last day of Basescu's immunity.

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