Antena 3 CNN Romania President Iohannis signed into law the Big Brother bill. What is going on with the Romanians phones

President Iohannis signed into law the Big Brother bill. What is going on with the Romanians phones

President Iohannis signed into law the Big Brother bill. What is going on with the Romanians phones
13 Oct 2015   •   11:16

The first of the Big Brother bills was signed into law today by president Klaus Iohannis.

This time, however, the bill did not cause an uproar, because it was assumed by leaders of parliamentary parties based on the consultations that took place at Cotroceni in May.
The law was adopted on September 23 by the Chamber of Deputies.

It introduces the requirement that traffic data relating to subscribers and users processed and stored by the mobile phone companies will be deleted or ignored in three years from the date of collection.
Data access can be made in a precise framework delimited by the court or by the judge's prior authorization.

Subiecte în articol: Klaus Iohannis
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