Antena 3 CNN Romania Romanian road bully met his Bulgarian match

Romanian road bully met his Bulgarian match

Romanian road bully met his Bulgarian match
de M.Z.    |    26 Aug 2015   •   09:20

The reckless Romanian driver who ran over a Bulgarian traffic policeman's foot with his car is in big trouble: he risks five years in prison. The local authorities in our neighbouring and friendly nation have come up with astounding charges. The young man is accused of being arrogant and cynical in his attitude towards the police officer, and this kind of behaviour is harshly punished under the Bulgarian legislation. In the grip of despair, the Romanian's family tried to have the young man represented in Court by a Romanian attorney but the Bulgarian authorities denied this normal request. 

A young man from Bucharest, Bogdan Marcu, has been in Bulgarian police custody for almost three days now. His trouble started after he performed a dangerous move on the road, just before crossing the "Friendship bridge", a move that caused a slight injury to a policeman from Ruse. The Romanian has been charged with "causing bodily harm to a Bulgarian civil servant". 
Bogdan Marcu, the manager of a consultancy company in Romania's capital city, apparently disobeyed a local police officer directing traffic and ran over his foot with the car while trying to overtake a vehicle column. The incident was allegedly followed by acid remarks an exchange of acid remarks by the driver, his girlfriend and the policeman. Then, the Romanians were arrested and the Bulgarian officer was rushed to the hospital.
While held in custody by the Ruse Police, the Romanian learned that the Bulgarian Law harshly punishes any offence against a police officer. Having injured a policeman in the line of duty, Bogdan Marcu faces 5 years in prison. His family did everthing in their power for him to be represented by a Romanian attorney, but Bulgarian authorities insist that the young man should put his life and freedom in the hands of a Bulgarian public defender.

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