Antena 3 CNN Romania The prophecies made about Romania, 400 years ago. "The flames of the Great War will be unstoppable"

The prophecies made about Romania, 400 years ago. "The flames of the Great War will be unstoppable"

The prophecies made about Romania, 400 years ago. "The flames of the Great War will be unstoppable"
04 Apr 2013   •   15:09
Nostradamus is one of the great "prophets" of the world and he is well known for the accuracy that his predictions have come true in today's world. His predictions also talk about our country and about the imminent outbreak of a new world conflagration.

"Amas s’approche venant d’Esclavonie
L’Olestant vieux câte ruinera
Fort desolee vera Romainie
Puis la grand flamme estaindre ne scaura", aşa sună catrenul lui Nostradamus. 

In translation it would sound like that:
"From Russia approaches in great number ..
The destroyer will ruin that city,
Romania will suffer a violent destruction
Therefore, the flames of the Great War will be unstoppable".

These lyrics  refer to our  country and they can be found in Centuria V, quatrain 26. The question is whether Nostradamus refers to our country  by mistake after  reversing the letters , which is often used for predictions. This quatrain  means  to point out that Russia will  start the next world war who  will invade its  neighbors to the West who  joined NATO.

Mere spelling mistake or not,  Romania is  the target of a violent attack from its neighbors in the East   who have subdued it for nearly 50 years, Vlaicu Ionescu writes, a famous decoder of Nostradamus predictions, quoted by the website.

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