Antena 3 CNN World Viktor Orban accuses Romania of offending Hungary, while at Tuşnad

Viktor Orban accuses Romania of offending Hungary, while at Tuşnad

Viktor Orban accuses Romania of offending Hungary, while at Tuşnad
27 Iul 2015   •   15:59

HUNGARY. Viktor Orban's extremist speech at the Summer University in Tusnad. Hungarian Prime Minister spoke about the risks of migration and of the terrorist threat in Europe because of the people from outside the European community

Moreover, the one called Viktator, kept saying that Brussels' policy regarding multiculturalism has failed and that Hungary belongs to the Hungarian

Orban threw arrows at Romania.
"Until 2012, and even in 2012, I believe that this relationship between Romania and Hungary was based on some very good principles, pragmatic and reliable. Unfortunately, in 2012 the situation changed. I cannot remember another time when so many politicians have offended Hungary so many times before in history, how many times has this happened in 2012, " Viktor Orban said.

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