Antena 3 CNN Romania Emil Boc's cabinet has spent more than 8.6 M RON in three years of activity

Emil Boc's cabinet has spent more than 8.6 M RON in three years of activity

Emil Boc's cabinet has spent more than 8.6 M RON in three years of activity
Sursa foto: Foto: Intact Images
06 Iul 2012   •   00:54

The former PM’s camera work and staff totted up expenses of over RON 8.6 M between 2009-2011, the largest amount being directed to salaries, protocol, and service homes for employees. Almost RON 100,000 was spent on transporting personnel from home to workplace, Mediafax informs.

The report has been released as the General Secretary of the Government (SGG) finished an audit on the Emil Boc Cabinet's activity.

The audit has shown that the funds that were used during the three years in question for the PM's workforce reached a total amount of RON 8.65 M, used for housing, protocol activities and transporting employees.

The largest share of the expenditure consists of salaries (RON 5.8 M ), followed by protocol activities (RON 1.5 M used for various consumables for the cabinet, for Government sessions, etc.), and housing expenses (RON 682,655). Other expenses were made with national and abroad trips and work-home transportation.

A document released by the former government in March 2011 states that the Cabinet has spent almost RON 400,000 for accommodation arrangements for government and SGG employees. On the list there are mentioned 53 employees, secretaries of state, advisors, and personal secretaries of the prime minister.

The new Prime Minister, Victor Ponta, announced upon receiving his mandate that every state institution will be obligated to carry out similar audits regarding the former Government’s activity. This will lead to discovering any unlawful activities and reporting the culprits to the legal institutions.

Subiecte în articol: Emil Boc
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