Antena 3 CNN World NATO Supreme Commander on Antena 3. General Philip Breedlove: NATO defends all its members, including Romania

NATO Supreme Commander on Antena 3. General Philip Breedlove: NATO defends all its members, including Romania

NATO Supreme Commander on Antena 3. General Philip Breedlove: NATO defends all its members, including Romania
02 Apr 2015   •   10:06

Romania will be defended as any NATO member in case of a Russian attack, because we are all for one and one for all - this was the message of NATO's military supreme commander, Gen. Philip Breedlove Wednesday conveyed exclusively Antenna 3

NATO Military Commander, Gen. Philip Breedlove, spoke Wednesday on Antena 3, about the possibility for Russia to attack Romania. The General said that all NATO members including Romania, should not be afraid of Putin and the Russian Federation.

Our country is a strong ally of the US, the US general said, when asked what NATO can do to counteract the possibility of a Russian attack.

Philip Breedlove admitted the fact that we have to be aware has got the capacity to do many things , nevertheless it is still a country well aware of the NATO capabilities.

Moreover, NATO protects all its members, Romania included and "NATO will always stand by Romania", general Breedlove pointed out.

Also the supreme military commander of NATO said that Romania is "a very important and powerful country, and is becoming increasingly important."

Related to the topic of the missile defense shield Breedlove pointed out that " in Deveselu there is a one hundred percent defensive shield ".

The general answered several questions about the topic addressed by journalist Radu Tudor, Antena 3 producer.

Iată, în înregistrarea de mai sus, interviul integral cu comandantul suprem militar al NATO, generalul Philip Breedlove, difuzat miercuri, la emisiunea Sinteza Zilei, de la Antena 3.

Generalul Philip Breedlove este cel mai important comandant al forţelor militare NATO. Sunt 28 de ţări membre NATO, printre care şi România, iar generalul cu patru stele Philip Breedlove coordonează toate armatele ţărilor membre NATO.

Conferinţa Comandamentului European al Forţelor Armate ale SUA (EUCOM) cu şefii apărării din Europa Centrală se va desfăşura, miercuri şi joi, la Bucureşti, la eveniment participând şi generalul Philip Breedlove.

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