Antena 3 CNN World Romanian doctors go to work abroad. Most of the foreign doctors professing in Germany come from Romania

Romanian doctors go to work abroad. Most of the foreign doctors professing in Germany come from Romania

Romanian doctors go to work  abroad. Most of the foreign doctors professing in Germany come from Romania
09 Ian 2014   •   17:29
Over 2,700 Romanian doctors were working in Germany in 2012, Romania is the leading provider of medical personnel to this country, followed by Greece and Austria, writes Die Zeit newspaper, quoted by Mediafax.

According to official data, in 2012, 2,704 doctors coming from Romania were working in Germany, compared to 2,258 from Greece and 2,090 from Austria.

The Top 10 countries counts Russia, Poland, Hungary, Syria, Bulgaria, Ukraine and Slovakia

Die Zeit notes that most immigrants from Romania and Bulgaria have a very good professional training, counting engineers, mathematicians and physicians.

The chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the European Parliament Elmar Brok said recently that immigrants who come to Germany just for aid benefits should be quickly sent back to home countries

"Immigrants coming to Germany only for Hartz IV (unemployment benefits), child allowance and health insurance must quickly be sent back to their countries of origin. To prevent multiple entries, we should consider taking fingerprints" Brok said, quoted by the newspaper Bild.

Secretary General of the CSU, Andreas Scheuer said Monday that skilled workers are welcome in his country, but said that 46% of Romanians and Bulgarians arrived in Germany after 2007 have no training and Berlin should not import other people's problems.

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