Antena 3 CNN Externe Povestea cutremurătoare din spatele unui selfie banal. Drama prin care a trecut o tânără după ce și-a îndeplinit visul

Povestea cutremurătoare din spatele unui selfie banal. Drama prin care a trecut o tânără după ce și-a îndeplinit visul

Povestea cutremurătoare din spatele unui selfie banal. Drama prin care a trecut o tânără după ce și-a îndeplinit visul
Sursa foto: Foto: Instagram
06 Dec 2018   •   10:52

Emma Carey, în vârstă de 25 de ani, a suferit, acum cinci ani, un accident cumplit în timpul unei sărituri cu parașuta.

Incidentul a avut loc într-o excursie în Alpii Elvețieni. Parașuta Emmei nu s-a deschis cum ar fi trebuit și tânăra a lovit cu putere pământul.

Medicii i-au spus tinerei că își va petrece toată viața într-un scaun cu rotile, dar, în mod miraculos, ea a învățat să meargă din nou.

Cu toate acestea, ea se confruntă în continuare cu efecte secundare din cauza leziunilor devastatoare suferite la nivelul măduvei spinării.

Anul acesta, Emma și-a făcut curaj și a postat pe Instagram un selfie care a ajuns viral pe internet, potrivit



EEEEE GUYS I CAN FINALLY TELL YOU! ?? I’ve been so excited about this for the longest time... I designed a skateboard with @obfive and I’m so so happy and proud of how it turned out! As you’d probably know by now, last year I made a promise with myself to learn to skate because it’s something I’ve ALWAYS wanted to do. I just assumed I wouldn’t be able to because of my legs but I’ve really surprised myself. I’ve been practising and practising and now I’m at the point where I can do it really comfortably while holding onto someone. It’s SO much fun and I’m so glad I gave it a go because now it’s one of my favourite hobbies everrrr. The board I designed is a cruiser which is actually the same board I used while I was learning, so it’s perrrrfect for people like me who are just starting out (also perfect for all the shredderz out there too). I’m so happy and excited to finally share this with you!! If skating has always been on your bucket list too, grab yourself a board and let’s get better at it together ☺️ promise it’s THE most fun! Link in bio ???

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One day when I was living in the hospital, the doctors decided I had to learn how to pee by myself before I could get sent home. Up until this point I just had a drainage bag attached to me. A nurse came into my room and said she was going to teach me. She told me to lay down on the bed and spread my legs. She attached a mirror to my thigh so I could see a part of me I’ve never had to look at so closely before ?. She then handed me something which looked like a thick plastic straw and told me to look in the mirror, find my urethra and put the straw inside. I was so confused, the hole was so tiny. It was the most unnatural and difficult thing I’ve ever had to do and it took hours. I’d already been through some pretty weird and uncomfortable stuff but this was a whole new level. Not because of how awkward it was having myself and a stranger touch my private parts for over an hour. But because I realised ‘holy shit, this is how I am going to have to pee for the rest of my life’. It seemed unfathomable to me. It was nearly impossible to do it just once, how on earth was I going to do it 12 times a day? Was I going to have to find a bed, lay down, strap a mirror to my thigh, fumble for hours and drain my bladder into a plastic container every single hour for the rest of my life? No fckn way was I going to do that. She must have sensed my fear because she looked at me and said ‘Emma, you’d be amazed at what you can adapt to’. I didn’t believe her and I wanted to cry. But life went on and just then I woke up, walked to the bathroom, picked up a catheter, drained my bladder in a few seconds, went back to bed and thought nothing of it. It’s as easy as brushing my teeth. It’s as familiar as something I’ve been doing my whole life. Adaptability is something humans do incredibly well. We adapt and we make ‘impossible’ situations a part of our everyday life. Sometimes things will happen that aren’t a part of the plan. But I promise you, that thing you’re going through right now, that thing you think you can’t live with or without, that thing that seems impossible to ever comes to terms with.. you will. You’ll be amazed by what you can adapt to. You’ll be ok.

A post shared by EMMA CAREY (@em_carey) on

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